Sunday, March 8

I was at one point good at writing weekly blogs... thanks to Greaterworks.  I can see now I'm lacking the consistency aspect.  So many things have happened from where I originally saw myself.  Yet one more example of God leading me in totally different directions than what I had planned.  
In April I Moved back to MN to live with my parents after ending my time with GreaterWorks.  April Through July-  Lived at my parents house, subbed in Northfield, helped as an assistant coach of the Northfield softball team, dog sat for 3 weeks (had to put this beautiful dog to sleep while the owner was in Alaska-sweet woman and a really sweet dog!).  Once summer came my priorities were helping my parents get ready for a HUGE garage sale to help clear out my grandparents junk, I mean possessions.  I was able to do a little camping and spend time with a guy who was by boyfriend for these brief couple of months.  Come July I started packing my life into a small Uhaul trailer where my parents helped travel with me the 900 miles to my new home.  I took a job as a teacher at Marvell Public Schools.  I took the job not knowing what grades I'd specifically be working with, or really ANY details for that matter.  I did turn down a job in San Antonio after I said yes to Marvell.  I don't think this was my first choice, but knew it was where I was supposed to be.  I loved having my parents meet many of the people and places that had become my home last year and will be my home for who knows how long.  I started teaching in August and have been busy with that since.  I teach 7th and 8th grade art and a couple of remediation classes.  This blog is an update, not a look into my deep thoughts.  Soon I'm sure I will start sharing the insights of life at Marvell Public Schools....  Be prepared.  I took up my role as choir director again at the church I attend.  I have been able to visit MN a couple times: The Docken wedding in September, Thanksgiving (which the church was awesome and made this trip possible), and just short of two weeks for Christmas.  Soon I have some of my MN life coming down here and I can't wait to share my world and life with them.  I just finished up a musical revue at the college in Helena.  It was an anniversary show and I had my first ever SOLO!  It was super exciting to be given the opportunity!  I met a lot of new people which I'm really sad to not get the opportunity to see them as often.  
So this was rather boring, but for those who keep up and are interested, there you have it!  I have a lot of thoughts that I can't wait to share and get into some more great conversations, but for right now, I'm exhausted and need to get some beauty sleep!  

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