Monday, October 15

photo update continued

My last one didn't want to take all the pictures, even though it's only 2 more!!

Nate, Rachel and I on Beale St. in Memphis, TN

Our team all dressed up for Bruce and Debbie Haye's Wedding.
L to R: Jody, Rachel, Tiffany, Myself and Nate
So although this isn't everything it's a good look into some of the things that I have been experiencing here. If you would like to financially support me, I am in the process of creating my support team to help me raise $3,500 for the year. Feel free to go to and click on my name where you can read other reflections and then click on the link to financially support me! I would love to hear what is new with those who actually read this!!

Pictre Update

So hopefully some of you are reading my blogs at the website. There I keep weekly reflections of things that I am learning and things that God is showing me. Because of it though I haven't actually spent some time updating this one! So I'm going to kind of do a picture update....

This is our beautiful home that the 5 of us live in. It is the parsonage
to the United Methodist Church.

This is the damage that I did to the car port at the church with the
Lexa God's Kids bus. I also broke off the emergency hatch on the bus!
It's all fixed up now!!

This is a beautiful flower. I was told the name, but I already forgot!
But it grows wild in a lot of places!

This is my team in a cotton field. I now know a lot about the cotton process.
If you want to know, I would love to share!
L to R: Nate, Tiffany, Jody, Myself and Rachel

This is at the Blues Festival in Helena! Pretty exciting! Lots of GREAT music!